Trail Report - Huron Peak - Colorado
Route: Ascend via Lulu Gulch, Descend via Standard Route
10.2 Miles Round Trip
3803 feet of elevation gain
Summit Elevation - 14,003'
Date Climbed: August 8, 2019
Climbers: Paul

Huron Peak - Redemption! I successfully summited Colorado 14er Huron Peak
on August 8, 2019 via the Lulu Gulch approach. In 2018 I had attempted this route and failed due to
illness and a route finding error, so it felt great to go back and make it this time! This non-standard
approach requires crossing over connecting 13er Browns Peak. I decided to take the standard route
down to make it a loop instead of an out and back. What a day!!
The route into Lulu Gulch begins going up an old mining road from the ghost town of Winfield. Once into
the gulch, you can take the long way up switchbacks on nearby Middle Mountain, or you can take the
more direct route and just shoot for the ridge straight up to Browns Peak which towers above
the Gulch. Either way you have to cross over Browns Peak to traverse to Huron. The direct route is technically a bushwhack but there is good footing up the side
of the steep hill. (Note: You cannot see Huron Peak until you get to the ridge to Browns
In 2018, upon arriving at Lulu Gulch, I had mistaken Browns Peak for Huron
Peak and went way left once into the upper part of the gulch towards Middle Mountain. When
I made it to the ridge, I still had a very long way to get to Browns Peak and scary
clouds rolled in. Adding to this I was dealing with an onset of asthma, I made the
decision to turn back. This year, I went straight towards the ridge near the top
of Browns... a MUCH better choice if going this route.

Once at the ridge, the summit of Browns was only a few steps
away! In addition to being my first official 13er, the views from Browns were
amazing! Looking north towards 14er LaPlata Peak was awesome as well as south
towards Huron Peak. The clouds also created a very eerie feel to the adventure.

The Summit of 13er Browns Peak on the way to Huron Peak via Lulu Gulch:
To get to Huron Peak from Browns Peak, you traverse
below the connecting ridge on the right (west) hand side. While there really
isn't much of an established trail, the rocks are mostly firm and you just continue
until you connect to the standard trail on Huron, already near the summit. Once on
the standard trail, a couple of hikers asked "were you the guy that was
standing up on that" as they pointed to Browns Peak. I was so glad someone
saw me!! ha ha ha!! I said "yes, indeed that was me" feeling really bad ass at that point!

There had been clouds all morning although it was
not supposed to rain until at least 3PM ... but my luck would be that right
as I arrived at the summit of Huron, the summit became socked in with clouds. It was
really creepy and was the first 14er where I've ever experienced a clouded-in
summit!! But you can see my picks near the summit to prove I was there!! ha!! To
add to the strangeness, there was a corporate outing that day on Huron so
I shared the smallish summit with literally 30 other people!

Taking the standard trail down was great as I got to
see the other basin to the west of Huron which was gorgeous. This also allowed
me to see the 3 Apostles (Ice Mountain, North Apostle and West Apostle Peak) which
I hadn't seen from the socked in summit! It was a long walk out as the Lulu Gulch
trail begins at the standard 2WD trail head ... but the scenery on the way out was amazing!

Hope this has been enjoyable and / or helpful to anyone reading it!!
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